»Technik, Materialität/en, Geschlecht.« (Zeitschriftenaufsatz)


Eine vergleichende Skizze von Denkstilen der Feministischen Technikforschung

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Feminist studies of technology focus on the question of how gender is constitutive for societal technology relations. In the course of several decades, different concepts and conceptualizations of technology, materiality/ies, gender, and their relationship have been developed. Likewise, what is perceived as feminist and ‚at stake‘ politically, has changed accordingly. This article traces this history from early socio-critical feminist technology studies, via constructivist (and poststructuralist) feminist technology
studies, to recent discussions under the label of feminist new materialism. Systematically reconstructing the theoretical developments in feminist thinking about the gender-technology relation, and counting their ‚gains and losses‘, allows to reflect upon the time and again proclaimed ‚turns‘, and generates a differentiated foundation for (future) theoretical debates on and conceptualizations of the ever more complex and ambiguous gender-technology relations we encounter in society.